Monday, February 7, 2011

The Story of My Life

My entry is in. I had to go with a casual indoor photo since it was overcast all weekend here, (a rare occurrence in Florida), and wouldn't you know, the entry after mine is of a much younger girl who is thinner than is humanly possible for me, with more cleavage than I could ever dream of sporting, on the freakin' beach! But I can't blame her if she looks great and I guess it's for the best since there's no way I can top that, but still... The one contest I might have a shot at and I'm foiled by the hot girl one more time. It's like high school all over again. Man, it's hard out there for us regular Medi mamas. Maybe I can work on it and get it together next year. The third times the charm, right? :)

(This is just like when Carrie got run over by Heidi Klum on the runway. -YouTube - sex and the city)


  1. Not sure if the hot girl next to you made the top ten, (or eleven), but looks like you 'foiled' it all on your own. :) You made me laugh out loud, because I, too, was posted next to a hot, young thing. I put I was fifty, praying for a pity vote. ... I saw the Carrie and Heidi thing....Stand tall and don't let anyone trample you! Good Luck!

  2. No Barbara, the hot girl didn't make it?! I was really surprised and actually feel bad that she didn't. She posted multiple pics and I got the feeling that she really wanted it. But she can wear a bikini and I can't, not after having two kids. :) Making the Top 10 is proof that even "Carries" can walk the runway too... Like your twitter comments on The Real Housewives. One of my guilty pleasures.
