Friday, April 15, 2011

Shout Out of the Week

And this weeks winner is ... my niece, Miss. Starah H! Miss. Thang has been training all week and made tryouts last night. Starting next year, she will be hoisted up in the air hoping to be caught with all the other popular girls on the 7th grade basketball cheerleading squad. She choose this sport so she can race on the cross country team during the fall and when she's not busy doing this, she'll be performing in multiple dance recitals. Oh, and she's in the gifted program too.

Growing up my sister always wanted to be a cheerleader and I wanted to be on the cross country team but she was too heavy and I was too slow. My girl is living out both our unfulfilled junior high dreams. Finally, there's an athletic chick in the family who might actually enjoy being a teenager.

YouTube - Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On


  1. See all that tossing in the air I did when she was a baby was just pretraining for her cheerleading career!
    I would also like to give at least an honorable mention of the week to Mr. Timothy for his award winning Tropicana speech performance. This little drama star obviously got his acting chops from his mother's gene pool!

  2. She does like that. I just hope she doesn't injure herself. I was waiting to hear if Timmy made it past the second round to give him his props... Something tells me he did.
