Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

All morning today I've been celebrating St. Patrick's Day. I made green homemade ice cream for the shamrock shakes, bought green lucky shirts for my boys, and was all set to deliver the "Kiss me, I'm Irish" mantra. Then, (as soon as the coffee kicked in), I noticed it's only the 16th.

No matter how much I try to pass off my miscalculation as a glorified warm up to the big day, my kids are more convinced then ever that I really am just a Pollock in disguise. They may be right.

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth, those two Goobers wished me a Happy St Patty's day this morning even after I told them it is tomorrow. They insisted I was wrong..... I think my liver knows when it is the big day!
